This album contains all 230 tracks of Juan D’Arienzo and his orchestra recorded between 1940 until the end of 1949 at the RCA Victor studios in Buenos Aires. Best possible quality, we used up to six records per transfer to get the most satisfying signal quality with low distortion, discarding a lot of noisy records. All recordings are re-tuned in the analogue domain before digitalisation. The result is a very homogeneous collection with a constant quality where every single piece can be enjoyed. Please check our release notes for this album directly here or via the documents attachment link section below.
Please find here a free demopack for testing. A file of 90 sec for each singer and an instrumental track in your desired sampling rate and word length (for MP3 there is no demopack as all sound samples on the site are already in MP3):
44-16 AIFF
96-24 AIFF
twouters (verified owner) –
Excellent quality, super fast download and as a bonus, all the songs are already tagged with the correct name of the orquestra, singer, genre, year of release,… So all the songs are already prepared to be drag and dropped in your music library of choice (iTunes, Tractor,…) without the teadious work of adding all this information yourselves. Excellent! (verified owner) –
I first hesitated to invest quite some Euros for the D’Arienzo album, then Jens-Ingo said the quality is better than ever and I believed him – and he is right.
Every single song has incredibly good sound quality, often clearly better than the high quality material I already had, with a big range of frequencies and surprisingly clean. And I’m particularly happy about some difficult-to-get beautiful valses. Outstanding!
Jens-Ingo and Benedicte, I’m very grateful that you started this huge project and accomplished it in this excellent way.
b-meinhard (verified owner) –
Thank you for the great transfers. As expected, the sound quality is very good, natural and rich in detail. It’s great that there are now HiRes shellack transfers for recordings that were previously only covered by CTA.
dkubas (verified owner) –
The new transfer gold standard. Congratulations! Stay safe and healthy! and keep up the great work!
JohnTan (verified owner) –
I have bought and listened to every single track from this album.
Tango Time Travel is the perfect name this author created for us all, every single tune is just flawless! Feel like listening to brand new vinyls fresh out from the covers, it is just unbelievable and it is actually scary, the quality is just amazing.
Besides, it is so complete, every piece ever recorded, in a mint condition! How many years of effort this is? Definitely the best transfers in the market. This is what a tango lover ever wish for! Love you guys! Grand Job!
iskra (verified owner) –
Love the new 1940-1949 D’Arrienzos! You can hear the difference with my old AIFFs even over normal speakers, the download and library integration were quick and painless and I cannot wait to play them! Thank you!
Santiago (verified owner) –
There is not too much to add that has not been said in the previous reviews. Like Theresa I was also concerned with the price tag, and whether it was worth investing that amount of money. At the end I am really happy I did. I feel like a kid with a new toy rediscovering D’Arienzo of the 40s with such a good and clean quality of the sound. Thank you!
Ana Palys (verified owner) –
Wonderful sound, I am absolutely happy. Music tracks of this supreme quality make the difference on the dance floor. It is well worth the investment. Thanks for your enormous work!
Angel DP (verified owner) –
It´s a pleasure to listen, almost no hiss. Having multiple recordings, CDs and disc with problematic remasters? This is the collection.
I only miss that there not earlier and later recordings xd